The Magnificent Flowers in The Great Gatsby by Ophélie Goncalves, BP12
I’m sure you have all heard of the movie The Great Gatsby by Baz Luhrmann, the stunning adaptation of the book by Scott Fitzgerald with the main subject being love. As it embodies the Art Deco movement, gorgeous flowers were brought into play to embellish the scenes. It begins with a nob with one of the protagonist who was named Daisy to symbolise innocence, fragility and purity.
For the flowers, they chose to use only white ones to emphasise Daisy’s innocence and wholesome personality. It was exclusively noble flowers like phalaenopsis, cymbidium, and dendrobium orchids, which are very delicate and expensive, no doubt even much more during the days of the prohibition in the 20s.
This scene above provides us with very abundant, very luxurious, and very rococo floral arrangements. We can see that Gatsby is extremely wealthy and spares no expense to impress and seduce his beloved Daisy. He wants to regain her love in anyway possible even if utterly exuberant, knowing that flowers are a very powerful way to express a feeling, an emotion, a desire…

Will his efforts be in vain? Or will he be able to seduce her again? As there are no spoilers here, you will have to see this beautiful movie to find out for yourself if all his floral efforts paid off!
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